Thursday, June 30, 2005


After the day, 9 Apr 2005, I finally got back something that was lost to me 2 years ago and now my wallet was getting a little bit heavier. I finally got back my pink IC! Well, I was very happy that I had already completed another phase of my life and I would be waiting for university study!

During this period of time, I was desperately looking for jobs, because I was JOBLESS! I was contributing to the jobless population in the MOM statistics! Hai.. Mainly, I need to work to fund myself. But luckily, with the help of JobsDB and some job agency, I got a few jobs. I did not put the names because I did not want to get myself into lawsuits. However, some of you may know which companies they are:
  1. Chocolate Factory (2weeks)
    The job is a bit monotonous. Imagin you sit there just to separate contaminated white chocolate from those good one. Well, this was the first job that I did and luckily I had my companion Peter with me, or else life would be very miserable.

    Lesson Learnt: Just do a quick inspection and quickly move to the next batch...
  2. Financial Agency (2weeks)
    The staff here were very friendly and helpful. Mainly, we went through transactions of sales based in other countries and did some sort of auditing stuff. Learn a great deal of accounting stuff here, which might be useful for my future studies. Who knows...

    Lesson Learnt: Look at the requirements and signatures. Reject those anyhow sent in one.
  3. IT Helpdesk (2 months)
    Well... Those who were always with me, will always hear me grumble about this job.. WAH! "ORD" Loh... Haha, actually I learnt quite a great deal from this job. From how an ISP works to how to handle customers' queries and complaints. Phew.. I had a few days trainings and went to answer the calls. There were really many different types of customers and sometime I really liked to laugh, but couldn't to.

    "Why I signed up for unlimited plan and now I was disconnected...?"

    "Can you do a direct connection for me? Connect the modem directly to the phone jet... Hello, are you there...?" Call drops...

    "How come I cannot log on to those pornography website?"
    "You are on a filtering service..."
    "I do not need it. There are no children in my house. How do I unsubscribe?"
    "You can call sales..."
    "I cannot do it now huh...Then how do I do my research??"

    These were just some examples only and I belived those seniors one would know more. Well, for those who want to connect to Internet, please buy a pc/laptop/modem/router that you know best. Also, if your connection is slow, do spyware/virus scan.

    Lesson Learnt: Customer is NOT always right but they cannot be blamed for their ignorance.

I took on a few language lessons also.. Like Malay and Japanese... However, until now, I only know how to speak a little... Selamat Malam, Hajime Mashite, Sumimasen, Tungu Tungu... Now still can remember a bit. If you know any of these languages, practise with me!

This is basically how I spent my time up to now. I learnt quite a lot, some from my jobs, some from my course, some from my buddy Man Chun (Thank for all your tips man!). Finally it is back to schooling time... School, Long time no see man!


kingkong said...

hhahah , damn farnie sia...
ey mine starhub, how come i also cant log in to pornographic websites sia?

Firewood said...

Haha, some are totally restricted, by default of Singapore Media Regulation. So you cannot surf that websites. Actually I also do not know whether is it legal or not.