Friday, May 12, 2006

Asoc Gala Dinner 2006

After weeks of preparation, Asoc Gala Dinner has finally come to an end... This is my first time helping out in such event and I have learnt a lot of this. Through this event, the Asoc Exco has become closer.

The dinner is a pretty decent one and I find it as a good gathering for everyone in the School of Accountancy family. After clearing up the place at Noble house, I went to Esplanade to join my friends who left after the dinner. It is a good chilling moment, at least for me, after weeks of struggling in school and projects.

Most of us have our plans for summer after this dinner. Some are going to take summer terms, some are going abroad, some are going to work and more. Going to Sri Lanka soon the next morning. It really sets me what I want to do for this Summer break.

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